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Southwire Company Recognized for Support of Public Education

Carroll County Schools presented Mike Wiggins of Southwire with a Georgia School Boards Association Partnership Award at the September 16 Board of Education Work Session. The partnership between Southwire and Carroll County Schools for the 12 for Life Program has been instrumental in improving the graduation rate for Carroll County Schools during the past eight years. Visionary leadership at Southwire and in the school system partnered together to create a program that has made significant difference to those students who may have been considering dropping out of school. Since the program began, 644 students have graduated due to the 12 for Life partnership, with 507 of these from the facility located in Carroll County. During this time the graduation rate for economically disadvantaged students in Carroll County Schools has increased from 55.9% to 77.1%.

“It is a privilege to help our community in such a powerful way” said Mike Wiggins, Southwire’s Executive Vice President. “Education begins in the classrooms but continues throughout one’s life. Our partnership with the Carroll County Schools and Southwire allows a student to learn how to value education, work together, and gain valuable skills that will serve them throughout their lives while also getting a paycheck each week.”

Superintendent Scott Cowart stated, “Southwire is to be commended for their support of public education in our community. We are fortunate to have businesses like Southwire who are willing to make a commitment to partner with the school system to tackle an issue like improving graduation rates for at-risk students. Carroll County is a better place because of Southwire and the 12 For Life Program.”

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